

Mechanics is a branch of Physics - in which you study the basic principles and application of the behavior of particles.  For our ALs, we are interested in classical mechanics, primarily developed by Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei , which you will come across. Statics - The study about bodies and rest Kinematics - The study of bodies in motion, the cause of motion is not considered Dynamics - The study of bodies in motion and their causes (forces, energy, momentum) Mechanics Notes is attached in the google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download

Waves and Oscillation

Waves and Oscillations is the 3rd unit of our syllabus, which has 120 periods allocated (the equivalent of 150 hours). Wave phenomenon is more common than you have ever imagined. It is associated with sound, light, fields, electricity and electronics. We are interested in learning our syllabus's fundamentals of waves and oscillations.  Here we explore: SHM motion Wave characteristics. Sound. Geometrical Optics (Light) Generally (1,2,3) are discussed together and (4) separately. Waves and Oscillation Notes is attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.


Heat is the 4th unit of our syllabus, with 70 periods allocated (the equivalent of 110 hours).  Are heat and temperature the same? How are heat and other energy forms related? And this is where you find answers for them and many more. In this section, we discuss the following topics. Thermal Expansion. Calorimetry. Kinetic theory of gases. Heat transfer. Heat Notes is attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.

Gravitational Field

The 5th, 6th and 7th units of our syllabus discusses the three fields. Namely                          1. Gravitational Field           2. Electric Field           3. Magnetic Field The three fields have many similarities as well as some important key differences among them. The gravitational field is the 5th unit of our syllabus, with x periods allocated. Here is where you learn the famous Sir Isaac Newton's theory of gravity . In addition, you get to know about            1. Kepler's laws           2. Satellites           3. Escape velocity Gravitational Field notes are attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.

Electric Field

The electric field is the 6th unit of our syllabus. This unit opens the door to understanding the fundamentals of electricity and electronics . Here, you will find answers for the most curious experiments you have tried in your lower grades. The following are discussed here; Coulomb's law. Gaussian theorem. Capacitors Electrostatic Induction Electric Field notes are attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.

Magnetic Field

The magnetic field is the 7th unit of our syllabus. A magnetic field is a region around a magnetic material or a moving electric charge where the magnetic force is experienced. There is no childhood without magnets. And here, you learn reasons for all the 'Why'; you had as a kid. NOTE Electromagnetic Induction is currently included under electricity in the new syllabus which was earlier under magnetic field. You can find Electromagnetic Induction notes in this pdf Magnetic Field (Electromagnetic Induction included) notes are attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.


Electricity is a form of energy that can give things the ability to do work. Electricity is all around us.    In this unit, you learn about            1. Electric current           2. Kirchoff's Current Law (KCL) and Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL)           3. The heating effect of current.           4. Electromagnetic Induction (Notes under magnetic field) Electricity notes are attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.


Electronics is the 9th unit of our syllabus. In the modern era, everything around us is shrinking in size. Computers that occupied the size of a room are now within our palms. All this has been possible with the development of electronics. They are cheap, occupy less space, and are energy efficient; hence, they have gained much importance. The field of electronics is very diverse. But, in our syllabus, we discuss the fundamentals of them. In this unit, you will learn about            Diodes (Junction diode, Zener, LED, etc..)           Transistors (BJT, FET)           Op-Amp           S-R Flip-Flop           Logic Gates Electronics notes are attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.

Properties of Matter

Engineers use different materials for different applications. It is because each material has its own properties which are tuned to get the maximum efficiency economically and eco-friendly. In this unit, you will learn the following selected properties of matter.          1.  Elasticity           2. Viscosity           3. Surface Tension Properties of matter notes are attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.

Matter and Radiation

Radiation lays the foundation for most medical Imaging. Also, being exposed to much radiation can be harmful. In this unit, you learn about some fundamental concepts of radiation Matter and Radiation notes are attached in google drive. Please click the below link to go to the drive.  Here is the download link for the Pdf file.👇 Download  Please inform us through the comment if you find any errors in the notes.